Roadtrip - Day 2 - Notch Trail

We stayed the night right at the Badlands - which was extremely eerie waking to the morning light.

Badlands in the morning

Badlands in the morning

We decided to do Notch Trail - which is not a hard trail - just with some very intense stairs. It's a total of 1.5 miles roundtrip. In which we saw a stunning view of the White River Valley. 

Notch Trail Map

After the trail - we started heading towards Sundance, Wyoming for our rest stop. But no before we took a quick detour to go see Mount Rushmore - which is pretty impressive that there are four faces carved out of a mountain.

Mount Rushmore in the flesh (or stone I should say...)

Mount Rushmore in the flesh (or stone I should say...)

On the way to Wyoming we hit a huge storm that had some tornado warnings. We should totally be fine in our tent, right?? (Yes we were... made for an entertaining night)

Actually the storm looks quite beautiful

Actually the storm looks quite beautiful

Ok... never mind about it being pretty...

Ok... never mind about it being pretty...