Roadtrip - Day 8 - Grinnel Glacier
This was by far my favorite hike that we did on the whole trip. We went through snow, waterfalls, and climbed 1600ft elevation in order to see a glacier. Absolutely stunning views as we hiked on the side of a mountain and got to see Grinnell Lake while doing it.
We also saw a bunch of wildlife like a mama bear and her cubs and a big horned sheep. I would do this again (once my legs get a little stronger...)
This was the first part of the trip - which was pretty easy considering what would come. It wasn't until the last 4 miles in which the trail shot straight up.
We were up so high and a lot of times we were sitting on the edge of a cliff. Completely unreal.
Finally here was the glacier. Smaller then what it has previously been in the old days but still rather impressive. Took us about 6 hrs to hike the total of 8 miles.